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Department of Defense highlights its commitment to taking care of people during Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month 2024

This September, the Department of Defense (DoD) highlights Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month through its campaign, “Joining Your Fight: Connect to Protect.”   

Photo Of Our mental health expert, U.S. Public Health Service Capt. Meghan Corso, chief of behavioral health clinical operations at the Defense Health Agency, answers a “Dear Doc” question on ways to protect your mental health.

Ask the Doc: What are ways to protect my mental health?

I’m feeling pretty low and very stressed out. A good friend recently died by suicide, and no one saw it coming. I’ve been thinking about him a lot. On top of that, I feel guilty for uprooting my young family when we recently PCS’ed across the country.

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Mental Notes with Hilary Valdez: The masculine paradox

After countless hours of conducting group therapy for men, it is safe to say that we live in a world filled with complexities and challenges.

Photo Of Veronica Alave is a Dementia Capable Care certified instructor and instructor of Nursing at Margaret Perez Hattori-Uchima School of Health at the University of Guam, working in the Guam/Micronesia Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (G/M GWEP).

UOG School of Health recognized as a Workforce Leader in Dementia Care

The University of Guam’s Margaret Perez Hattori-Uchima School of Health (SOH) was recently recognized as a Dementia Capable Care Workforce Leader (DCC-WL) by the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI).

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Mental Notes with Hilary Valdez: The masculine journey

Men and women want the same thing: to feel good about themselves, to feel worthwhile, and to be loved.

Photo Of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that 60 percent of mothers in the U.S. stop breast feeding sooner than planned, and that only one out of four infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life, the medically recommended duration. The Department of Defense and service military policies have been created and updated to ensure military mothers have the time, resources, and leadership support to breastfeed for six months after birth.

Military honors mothers, infants by supporting breastfeeding

August is National Breastfeeding Month, and it offers an opportunity to talk about the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and their babies.

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Daily skincare tips: How to build a routine for healthy and beautiful skin

Whether you’re a skincare novice or a seasoned enthusiast, understanding how to build an effective daily routine can make all the difference.

Photo Of Oops! Shocked young man looking at camera and making a face while standing against grey background

Dealing with TMJ, the expressive joint

The anatomical name for this jaw joint is the temporomandibular joint, often abbreviated TMJ.

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UOG to host 6-session healthy aging and cooking class in August

Adults of all ages are invited to a six-session wellness class focused on embracing aging and cooking healthy meals.

Photo Of The Defense Health Agency’s Vision Center of Excellence, in coordination with the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense, offer many resources for beneficiaries suffering from low vision or blindness.

Low Vision: What it is and how you can function with the right treatment plan

Service members are often exposed to a variety of hazards in combat, training, or daily activities—on and off duty—including situations that may affect their vision.