(Fadian, Guam) - As the sole energy producer servicing the island of Guam, the Guam Power Authority (GPA) is partnering with the Mariana Regional Fusion Center (MRFC) to participate in the ongoing nationwide campaign, If You See Something, Say Something®, to raise awareness of the potential safety and security issues with tampering with power assets, connections, and infrastructure.
“We are participating in the campaign to raise awareness that tampering with any GPA equipment, lines, or connections is dangerous and a threat to our local power grid,” said GPA’s Safety & Physical Security Manager, Kenneth Gutierrez, PSP, who is leading the local campaign. “For our community’s safety, please do not tamper with any power lines or connectivity. Also, any suspicious or dangerous activity should be reported immediately. If you see something, say something. You could save a life and help prevent any issues or damage to our power grid.”
Gutierrez noted that through active collaboration with key law enforcement and public safety partners, all threats to the power grid are monitored by GPA, Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense (GHS/OCD), and MRFC. All incidences deemed a threat are thoroughly investigated.
GPA is part of 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors that are covered and protected under Presidential Policy Directive-21 – Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.
The campaign aims to send a strong message that any form of sabotage, tampering, or vandalism against GPA assets and any other critical power infrastructure are serious offenses that will be investigated as significant events. Offenders will be sought out and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Gutierrez said, “Some states are dealing with vandalism and sabotage of power assets. These malicious activities are serious offenses that can cause major interruptions. Over the years, GPA has dealt with illegal connections or tampering with lines, but we are seeing an increase in vandalism, trespassing, and theft of property. These are all very dangerous and illegal activities. We must protect the safety of our residents, our GPA employees, and our island’s power infrastructure.”
GPA added that Guam’s power service is crucial to every resident, business, and organization on the island and asks the community to join them in this campaign. Campaign posters are available online.
“We invite our community to join us in protecting Guam’s only power source by reporting any suspicious activities, no matter how insignificant they may appear,” Gutierrez added. “We can all do our part to keep our island safe and secure.”
All incidents should be immediately reported first by calling the MRFC. In the event of an emergency dial 9-1-1. Activities can also be reported to the following agencies:
For more information about the If You See Something, Say Something® campaign, visit "If You See Something, Say Something®" program website, Guam Power Authority website, or GPA’s Facebook and Instagram pages (@guampowerauthority).