
ASAN, Guam (Aug. 27, 2014) – Joint Region Marianas (JRM) employees gathered to celebrate Women’s Equality Day at the command headquarters in Asan Aug. 27.

Women’s Equality Day celebrates the milestone in history when women won the right to vote on Aug. 26, 1920. It was on that day the 19th Amendment was adopted into the U.S. Constitution.

“I believe that Women’s Equality Day is just as significant to our Navy as any war or any battle,” said keynote speaker Rear Adm. Bette Bolivar, commander of JRM. “This day represents the ideal of female equality brought to focus after years of work and sacrifice. Women’s Equality Day is a turning point that has made us a stronger Navy, a more globally engaged Navy and more importantly a Navy more fully reflective on values and best characteristics of our great nation.”

Bolivar spoke about the history of women suffrage and women’s role in Navy history.

“Our U.S. Navy has in fact often been more progressive than civilian society in allowing women the opportunity to succeed,” said Bolivar. “In 1908, women first entered the naval service more than a decade before they were granted the right to vote.”

Antonette Vegafria, a paralegal specialist for JRM, attended the event and commented on how she felt about celebrating Women’s Equality Day.

“Women’s Equality Day gives women more encouragement to say that we are being supported,” said Vegafria. “We are just like the men and it reminds us that we should not be afraid to compete, to do the things we would love to do knowing that we can do it.”

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