(The Great American Smoke-out)

Most of us get a warm feeling when we think of our grandparents. That feeling would most likely change to apprehension or fear if we learned the amount of time they had left on this earth would be shortened by four years. We’d probably silently plead with whomever we believe to be a higher power to give them more time: maybe just a year or two more, or at least a few more months. Interestingly, four years represents the average amount of time pack-a-day smokers take away from how long they will be able to spend with their grandchildren, other relatives, and friends.

Some of us ignore this because nicotine use seems to be such a “good friend”. Tobacco seems to provide some degree of relief from stress and sometimes helps to deal with boredom. Yet, the temporary relief it provides masks the nasty stuff some do not want to acknowledge: more days of sickness than non-smokers, increased chances for heart attacks, strokes, cancer, bronchitis, dental problems, etc.

The Great American Smoke-out will occur on Thursday 21 November. It’s a day when nicotine users are asked to consider quitting for just one day in the hope that if it can be done for a day, maybe it can be done for longer, maybe forever. US Naval Hospital Guam is ready to assist eligible beneficiaries that are nicotine users make this effort. We provide over-the-phone help, nicotine cessation classes, individual counseling, and presentations to commands and other organizations. Call 671-344-9124 for assistance. Our program deals not only with the nagging that comes from the physical addiction to nicotine, but also with the conditioning to use tobacco caused by one’s habits and the reliance on tobacco use to meet emotional and social needs.

Seriously consider the Great American Smoke-out challenge. Consider letting go of that false friend for a day in exchange for a chance to enjoy, if you quit permanently: lung functioning increasing up to 30% within three months or less, less fatigue within one to nine months, excess risk of coronary artery disease dropping by half within a year, stroke risk reduced to that of a non-smoker within five to fifteen years, lung cancer death rate dropping by half ten years later, and the risk of coronary heart disease being that of a non-smoker’s in fifteen years.

Letting go of nicotine takes a commitment and work. But then, I remember my grandmother put commitment and work into the melt-in-your-mouth fresh bread she used to make. Grandma didn’t smoke. She gave her family those extra years. We might not know how to make fresh bread, but we can give those extra years to our families and friends. I’m glad Grandma did.

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