Dr. Samuel Betances will be the keynote speaker at the 44th Annual Research Conference in the CLASS Lecture Hall at the University of Guam on March 10. Photo courtesy University of Guam

Dr. Samuel Betances will be the keynote speaker at the 44th Annual Research Conference in the CLASS Lecture Hall at the University of Guam on March 10. Photo courtesy University of Guam ()

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences will hold the 44th Annual Research Conference in person and on campus at the University of Guam on Friday, March 10 in the Humanities and Social Sciences Building and the CLASS Lecture Hall.

In recognition of the many social, cultural, and political crosscurrents at work within the island and region, the theme of this year’s conference is “Cross-currents in Conversations: Negotiating Place With/In Oceania.”

Academics, artists, activists, and students engaged in scholarly and creative work in all disciplines were invited to submit abstracts of their work relating to the conference theme.

This year’s keynote speaker, Dr. Samuel Betances, a renowned speaker and workshop presenter, will talk about "Educating and Graduating the Island Students We Have, Not the Students We Wish We Had."

He is most well-known for his advocacy related to recruiting, mentoring, retaining, and graduating students who represent the first in their immediate family to complete a college education "Educating and Graduating the Island Students We Have, Not the Students We Wish We Had".

Also known as “Dr. B,” he is the author of several books on this issue including “Ten Steps to the Head of the Class” which is available in English and CHamoru, and “Winning the Future through Education: One Step at a Time” on turning bad study habits into effective strategies for academic success. He has recently co-authored four books in the series “Island Insights,” with his wife, Dr. Laura M. Torres Souder.

The nine conference topics are:

  • Capturing the Journeys of our Mañaina: A Panel Discussion

  • Faculty Reflections: Negotiating instructional frames that honor, respect, & support our diverse learners: A Panel Discussion  

  • Decolonization: Historical Contexts, Contemporary Solutions

  • Teaching and Learning in Oceania

  • Cross-currents in Society and Culture  

  • Language and Identity  

  • Indigeneity, Psychology, and Spirituality  

  • Dependence, Interdependence, Independence  

  • Language Studies

To see the full schedule and list of presenters and presentations, go to

For more information, contact the conference organizers at:

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