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Two hundred and seventy-one (271) students have been named to the University of Guam’s President’s List for the Fanuchånan (Fall) 2024 semester.

Each student earned a 4.0 grade point average and represent the top 12.5% of the 2,172 full-time undergraduate students who were enrolled last semester.

UOG President Anita Borja Enriquez commended the students, “Warmest congratulations to all the students named to the President’s List for Fanuchånan 2024. Achieving a perfect 4.0 GPA across all subjects is a remarkable accomplishment that reflects exceptional focus, discipline, and dedication. You are an inspiration to our Triton community, and we are proud to celebrate this milestone with you.”

Of the 217 students making the President’s List, 33.9% are business and public administration majors, 17.7% are natural and applied sciences majors, 15.1% are liberal arts and social sciences majors, 13.3% are education majors, 12.9% are nursing, social work, and health science majors, 4.1 % are engineering majors, and 3.0% are undeclared. 

View the Fanuchånan (Fall) 2024 President’s List at:

The University of Guam congratulates all honorees on their incredible achievements and wishes them continued success in their academic journeys.

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