UOG announces 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award winners
Guam NSF EPSCoR, University of Guam September 12, 2022
The University of Guam named the winners of its 2022 Distinguished Alumni Awards during a ceremony on Aug. 27 at the Hyatt Regency Guam. One award was given to an individual from each of the university’s schools and colleges, and another was given to an alum serving in the military.
The winners are selected based on professional accomplishments in their field, civic and university involvement, character and integrity, and achievements of local, national, or international significance.
The 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award winners are as follows:
College of Natural and Applied Sciences Awardee: Luis G. Cruz, M.D. Family and Sports Medicine Physician American Medical Center ’21 Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Awardee: Atty. Carol M. Hinkle-Sanchez Deputy Attorney General Family Division ’97 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
School of Business and Public Administration Awardee: Mika Caldwell Vice President and Co-Owner Archway Inc. ’96 Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing
School of Education Awardee: Jackie A. Quitugua Senior Director for Curriculum and Instruction CNMI Public School System ’79 Bachelor of Arts in Education ’91 Master of Education, Administration and Supervision
School of Health Awardee: Antonnette O. Merur, R.N. Acting Chief of Nursing Palau Ministry of Health and Human Services ’95 Bachelor of Science, Nursing
Military Awardee: Col. Jose E. Cepeda (Ret.) ’80 Bachelor of Arts in Education ’82 Master of Education
The University of Guam has graduated nearly 20,000 alumni dispersed across the globe and throughout Micronesia serving in government, business, health care, education, science, and more.
The Distinguished Alumni Awards is hosted annually by the UOG Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. Details for next year’s award cycle will be announced in April.
For more information, please contact Norman Analista, director of development, alumni affairs, and foundation relations, at (671) 735-2991 or visit the website.