Earlier this year I wrote a short feature on the excellent Grilled Chicken being sold at Saipan’s Kentucky Fried Chicken. I had commented at the time that Guam did not have “Grilled Chicken”.
Well, a few months after my Saipan article Guam’s KFC introduced “Grilled Chicken”, and they even used large color posters and full color page advertising in the paper. These posters and ads showed enticing perfectly grilled chicken pieces that you just had to try!
However, when you get your order of “grilled chicken”, you receive chicken that’s not at all grilled! No grill marks nor caramelized skin! I have ordered Guam’s KFC Grilled Chicken a number of times and I have talked to some of their managers about this. I believe their chicken is baked, not grilled, and there is simply no comparison in taste and texture.
Take a look at these two photos of Saipan’s KFC Grilled Chicken. The box we had over a month ago and the plate is from a meal I had this past Wednesday. The grill marks are easy to see and the chicken looks juicy and appealing.
I suggest that Guam’s KFC management team look into this difference and upgrade their equipment to grillers so they can serve the same “grilled” chicken they are falsely advertising!