I wanted to eat something different but I just couldn't put my finger on it until I spoke to my sister Cynthia Vogelsanger of San Jose, California. She told me that she was serving up Chile Verde Burritos for dinner. The big "light" went on in my head and I said to myself, "That's what I want!!" I asked her for her recipe and I set out to cook me some Chile Verde.
Here is Cynthia's recipe...
Chile Verde Burritos
by Cynthia Vogelsanger
Chop up cooked pork meat and 1 whole white onion
Heat a 2 Tbs. of butter in a skillet
Sauté onions
Add pork or any other meat you may have.
Add your favorite salsa
Add 1 small can chopped green chilies ( She likes Ortega)
Salt to taste
Lower heat and simmer for 20 mins.
Heat a flour tortilla
Put chile verde mixture on the tortilla
Sprinkle some shredded cheese (Mexican 4-cheese)
Sour cream
Roll tortilla
Serve with retried beans, rice, or whatever sounds good.
You can pretty much add your own Mexican spices like cumin, dried oregano, fresh tomatoes, etc. or whatever you think would spice it up. I like easy, and I pretty much make this recipe by throwing everything together and taste.
That's her recipe and a very tasty one at that.
Now I did use fresh Anaheim green peppers and I did add a little water while the chile verde was simmering. Avocado slices or guacamole would go great with this burrito also.
And of course I just happen to have a jar of my Mother's fantastic salsa that I made. Here is her recipe....
Mom's Salsa Recipe
by Connie Centeno Quigley of Santa Maria, California
14 serrano chilies
10 jalapeno chilies
10 yellow chilies
4 cloves minced garlic
1 medium red onion, cubed
½ tsp ground cumin
¼ tsp ground cloves
1 cup loose, chopped fresh cilantro or more to your taste
3 cubed fresh tomatoes
1 15 oz. can of tomato puree
Salt to taste
Cook all chilies on a comal (flat pan) until they are soft;
Take all the seeds and stems off;
Put everything in a blender and liquefy.
Taste test and adjust the salt and/or cilantro if desired. This will make about 2 quarts.
And finally I cover the burrito with salsa and more chile verde. But you can put whatever topping you like.
This is a very simple way to use up any leftover meat you may have on hand.
Enjoy and don't forget to put plenty of hot stuff on the burrito. You know you enjoy the sufffering!! But it's a "good" suffering.