U.S. Air Force, Staff Sgt. Jessa Mullan, mental health administrator with the 36th Medical Group takes a call at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, Sept. 21, 2022. Mullan Manages all administrative and front desk functions for the Mental Health Flight.(U.S. Air Force photo illustration by Airman 1st Class Allison) ()
ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE -- GUAM -- U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jessa Mullan, mental health administrator with the 36th Medical Group, was recognized as the 36th Wing’s Team Andersen Linebacker of the Week, at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, Sept. 21, 2022.
The Team Andersen Linebacker of the Week recognizes outstanding enlisted, officer, civilian and total force personnel who have had an impact on achieving Team Andersen’s mission, vision and priorities.
When Mullan arrived on station, she quickly made a huge impact within the flight. She assumed supervision over an airman outside of her career and swiftly helped them prepare for the wing's Senior Airman Below-the-Zone board. Mullan coordinated two mock BTZ boards and made sure she was sent up to attend the Air Force Sergeants Association BTZ prep class resulting in her Airman being selected for BTZ.
Mullan also stepped up as the Mental Health Flight’s Sister Village Back-to-School drive point of contact, helping raise over $1,000 worth of supplies and fostering the wing’s priorities to build relations with the local community.
Most recently, she coordinated critical care for one dependent with suicidal ideations. She fielded the initial call with the patient and gathered all pertinent information. Utilizing her calm demeanor, she was able to calm the patient down long enough to get additional help. She elicited the help from a trained mental health technician to conduct a mental status triage and to identify the triggering event. Mullan then, negotiated with the patient to find out exactly what was best for the situation. In the end, the patient received the care they needed without incident.
The term Linebacker is rooted deep within Team Andersen’s history. Operation Linebacker II took place on Dec. 18, 1972, and was the largest number of heavy bomber strikes launched by the U.S. Air Force since the end of World War II. During the operation, B-52s from Andersen flew round-the-clock bombing missions over North Vietnam to destroy major targets in Hanoi and Haiphong in an effort to bring the Democratic Republic of Vietnam back to negotiations.
The recipient will have the opportunity to sign a “Linebacker” football jersey that will be displayed in the Wing Headquarters building.
Way to go, Mullan!