GPA applies the final $100 Prugråman Ayuda Para I Taotao-ta energy credit and encourages customers to conserve energy to reduce their power bills.
(Fadian, Guam) – The Guam Power Authority (GPA) confirmed that the third and final increment of the current Prugråman Ayuda Para I Taotao-ta Energy Credit program was applied to all residential and commercial accounts. GPA received $5.27 million in funding from the Department of Administration (DOA) late Friday afternoon and began uploading the credits this morning. Customers can view the credit by logging on to their GPA online accounts.
The extension of the Prugråman Ayuda Para I Taotao-ta Energy Credit program made possible under Public Law 37-49 provided a total of $300 in energy credits for October through December 2023. The credits were disbursed in $100 increments, the final of which was credited today.
GPA General Manager John M. Benavente, P.E. said, “Our GPA finance and customer service teams confirmed that the last of three $100 energy credits was successfully uploaded today to all qualified GPA accounts. GPA thanks DOA for transmitting the funds on Friday, January 19, 2023 so our customers can receive the credit in their accounts, which comes in handy after the holidays. GPA reminds customers that this was the final increment in this round of energy credits and encourages households and businesses to continue their conservation and cost-saving efforts.”
GPA notes that financial assistance programs are available from the Department of Administration’s Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program and Guam’s Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Program. Customers can call GPA’s customer service team at (671) 647-5787 or visit here for guidance on how to apply for financial assistance.
GPA continues energy conservation efforts As GPA continues its efforts to increase additional generation capacity supply that will add more wattage to the Island-Wide Power System (IWPS), GPA asks households and businesses to reduce their energy consumption between the high-demand hours of 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Customers can turn off their water heaters during these hours to reduce the demand on the IWPS. More information about GPA’s ongoing Beat the Peak campaign and energy conservation tips can be found on GPA’s customer service website (guampowerauthority.com) and Facebook and Instagram pages (@guampowerauthority).