GPA advises the public that it has begun its pre-storm preparation on the island-wide power system. Protective measures at the power plants and substations will be taken to minimize the threat of storm/typhoon damage.
GPA field crews continue to focus on tree-trimming and vegetation control as high winds can blow vegetation in to power lines. Customers are advised to safely clear debris and vegetation that may pose a hazard during windy conditions. Please report any power related emergencies or down power line to our 24-hour Trouble Dispatch at 475-1472/73/74.
GPA urges residents to take precautions and protect or unplug sensitive electronic equipment to prevent damage due to lightning strikes or power surges. Customers are also advised that if you are experiencing power fluctuations, brownouts, extremely bright lights, or dimming/flickering lights to turn off your main breaker and report these issues to GPA’s 24-hour Trouble Dispatch.
During the storm, the Guam Power Authority will continue to run the island wide power system and keep the power on for as long as possible. Power plants will be operational as long as it is capable and safe to do so. The Transmission & Distribution (T&D) personnel will be in the field to address power problems, up to the point when supervisors out in the field state it is no longer safe to do so and field crews will be secured. Again, as the storm approaches and winds pick up, we will eventually have to secure all personnel for safety reasons. Thereafter, as circuits trip, we may need to secure and bring units offline until it is safe to resume operations.
GPA will know the areas experiencing outages via our SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and smart grid management systems. Therefore, we ask our customers to keep calls to a minimum and limit calls to emergency safety situations only (down lines/poles, sparking lines and transformers and other immediate dangers).