Throughout the night and early morning hours, GPA crews have been addressing power outage and fluctuations around the island. The supervisors out in the field have stated that it is no longer safe for crews to be out making repairs. As of 4:45 am today, GPA crews were secured and currently standing down for their safety as the high winds have made it unsafe to continue making repairs around the island. Repairs of the system will resume once high winds die down to a safe level, GPA will mobilize our teams to proceed with assessments and repairs. This will begin the recovery phase of the island-wide power system around Guam.
Please be advise that power outages and fluctuations are expected during this typhoon condition. GPA does not intent to shut down the island-wide power system. The system runs automatically and only cuts out power service to you when damage has occurred to your circuit. It shuts down automatically for your and your home’s safety.
The system will be energized as long as power circuits remain intact. We are working hard to achieve having some part of the system continue to operate throughout the storm because it will make after typhoon recovery faster.
As the storm hits Guam, more and more power outages will occur. If your power circuits, go down we will work on energizing it immediately within a few minutes. If your power doesn’t come back in a few minutes it is most likely that the circuit is damaged and GPA will have to wait until the typhoon passes before we can make repairs. The GPA team is prepared to immediately begin restoration as soon as winds decrease to safe levels.
GPA wants everyone to stay safe and secure and we ask for your patience and understanding as we get through the typhoon together.