U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Sharrele Randall, noncommissioned officer in charge of installation personnel readiness with the 36th Force Support Squadron, reviews files on her computer at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, Feb. 23, 2022. The Team Andersen Linebacker of the Week recognizes outstanding enlisted, officer, civilian and total force personnel who have had an impact on achieving Team Andersen’s Mission, Vision and Priorities. (U.S. Air Force photo illustration by Airman 1st Class Kaitlyn Preston) ()
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Sharrele Randall, noncommissioned officer in charge of installation personnel readiness from the 36th Force Support Squadron was recognized as the 36th Wing’s Team Andersen Linebacker of the Week, at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, Feb. 17, 2022.
The Team Andersen Linebacker of the Week recognizes outstanding enlisted, officer, civilian and total force personnel who have had an impact on achieving Team Andersen’s Mission, Vision and Priorities.
Since arriving at Andersen AFB, Randall has taken on a variety of daily responsibilities. From the Bomber Task Force to large scale exercises like Cope North, she facilitates the reception process and coordinates with assorted squadrons and agencies to make sure the administrative and other basic needs of visiting personnel are met.
Randall handles many vital tasks within the 36 FSS. She has been a crucial asset to the 36th Wing military personnel programs since her arrival. As a subject matter expert in installation personnel readiness, Randall has supported 25 units, trained 32 unit deployment managers and ensured 15,000 requirements were met for 36th Wing contingency operations such as Exercise Valiant Shield, Pacific Defender, Operation Christmas Drop and more. She also facilitated the deployment of 34 personnel in less than 48 hours for a tasking to support the vice president of the United States.
“I try my best to make sure all customers can trust that I can get the job done, especially when it comes to their deployment and career development.” said Randall.
During Exercise Cope North 2021 and 2022, Randall was requested to manage operations for nearly 6,000 joint and international exercise personnel. She also stepped up as the installation personnel readiness section chief during a short notice turnover and directed Personnel in Support of Contingency Operations back on track. Working 24/7, Randall lead seven PERSCO augmentees and coordinated 85 chalks for Exercise Cope North 2022 receptions and deployments over six locations.
When she was needed, Randall assisted a low-manned force management team during the busiest time of evaluation season. As one of two members in the section, Randall supported the processing three Enlisted Force Distribution Panels for the Wing to include 800 evaluations, 75 packages and 90 master eligibility discrepancies. Furthermore, she led three in-house training sessions for 45 commander support staff personnel.
“She has the ability to walk into any section and work hard to become a subject matter expert,” said U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Veronique Wells, military personnel flight chief with the 36 FSS. “She’ll communicate with the entire team, have a plan, and execute it.”
In addition to her day-to-day duties, Randall takes on a number of responsibilities outside the office. She was a part of the Andersen 5/6 Ways and Means Committee as well as the 36 FSS booster club, and leads a number of events throughout the wing. Currently, she is one of two 36 FSS Sexual Assault Prevention and Response facilitators.
“I look forward to seeing her growth as she continues to excel in every aspect of life.” said Wells.
The term Linebacker is rooted deep within Team Andersen’s history. Operation Linebacker II took place on Dec. 18, 1972, and was the largest number of heavy bomber strikes launched by the U.S. Air Force since the end of World War II. During the operation, B-52s from Andersen flew round-the-clock bombing missions over North Vietnam to destroy major targets in Hanoi and Haiphong in an effort to bring the Democratic Republic of Vietnam back to negotiations.
The recipient will have the opportunity to sign a “Linebacker” football jersey that will be displayed in the Wing Headquarters building.
Good work, Airman Randall!