(Rowen Flahaut, Andersen Elementary School)
Tarzan Pools is a place on Guam that is cool to explore. You have to go there by vehicle and then hike. It is so fun to visit with friends and family. Before you even get to it, there is a big mountain. Once you get there, there is a huge truck trunk. You pull it up the mountain and then you slide down in the trunk. It can give you some exercise.
After you finish the hike and get to Tarzan Pools, you arrive to a rope that you swing on. There is a cliff that you can jump off from the rope right into the water. Once you are in the water, you can swim, too. It could be a fun journey with your friends and you can play with them. You could do so much at Tarzan pools. Hike, go down the truck trunk, and swim. Have fun going there with your family and friends.
(Rowen Flahaut, Andersen Elementary School)